General information about our guided tours

Our tours of the exhibition Idyll and Atrocity are conducted by trained guides who will give you an overview of the most important aspects of the exhibition. Selected historical objects, documents and biographies are used to communicate the history of Obersalzberg and to illustrate the role that it played during the Nazi era.

Special guided tours

On request we also offer guided tours in French, German, Italian and Spanish. To book a tour in one of these languages please contact:

For blind and visually impaired visitors we offer special guided tours on request. On these tours visitors will be able to touch certain selected exhibits. Please register at:


Of course! Our educational programs are open to anyone who wants to find out more about the history of Nazism. You are welcome to contact us in advance so that we can prepare optimally for your visit:

Guided tours are free for regular school classes. For groups from vocational schools and higher education institutions normal tour fees apply.

Entrance is free (ID required) for apprentices, teachers, schoolchildren, students, people with severe disabilities, participants in voluntary service programs, holders of official volunteer cards, police and soldiers in active service.

Please contact us immediately in case of any delays:

+49 (0) 8652 / 947 960.

In case of a delay of more than 20 minutes, the group can no longer be accepted. However, you will be charged for the costs.

Please let us know at least three working days before the agreed date at if you are unable to attend. If you have to cancel later, we will have to invoice the full price.

We recommend that participants in our educational program bring their own refreshments. The Obersalzberg Documentation Center has vending machines offering snacks and drinks.

On request we offer guided tours in French, Italian and Spanish as well as German. To book a tour in one of these languages please contact:

The Obersalzberg Documentation Center does not offer interpreting services. If we are not able to offer you a tour in a language you understand, we will allow simultaneous interpreters from outside to translate the guided tour for you. Such people must, however, provide evidence of their qualification or suitability as an interpreter. Please contact the education department. We are happy to advise you on the requirements for tours with interpreters (

Are you interested in our work?

You will find us on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. Here we post information about the history of Obersalzberg as well as current news and details of forthcoming events. Come and take a look!

On Sunday, October 20, we close at 4 pm. Last entrance: 3 pm