Overview tour
Overview tour
Guided tour
Group size
20 people
60 minutes
Target group
open to anyone
*Free for classes from regular schools

The standard guided tour includes the permanent exhibition Idyll and Atrocity and the bunkers. It covers the history of Obersalzberg, the establishment of the Führer’s off-limits area and the policies that were decided at Obersalzberg under the Nazi regime. Selected examples illustrate the impact of Nazi rule on the Berchtesgaden region, while the stories of people from all over Europe show what consequences the policies adopted at Obersalzberg had. The tour begins with the time before Hitler came to Obersalzberg for the first time. It then examines the role of the place under the Nazi regime and provides insights into developments after 1945.

The tour is recommended for anyone who does not have much time but would nonetheless like to receive an overview of the history of the location and its relevance during the Nazi era.

Guided Tour